Monday, September 19, 2016

AP-PT20 Speed-Dial Extend Key Pack


AddPac Technology’s AP-PT20 is an IP based Presence Terminal (Speed Dialing Box) that interoperates with AddPac IP-PBX products, which are based on its next generation multi-media IP telephony solution. This product together with AddPac Video phone and IP phone can be used for User Presence Service and Extended Speed Dialing Terminal solution. 
AP-PT20 provides 40 speed-dialing button with user presence indication features optimally. In medium and large-scale enterprise, government, etc, for CEO, director, Secretary, a dedicated speed-dialing terminal with user presence service features is necessary. AP-PT20 is IP based speed-dialing terminal solution for them.

“Advanced IP Telephony Solution”, Extended Speed-Dialing Service

AP-PT20 IP based user presence terminal provides 40 key buttons (2 column x 20 row) for speed-dialing and user presence service. User Information assigned each key button is easily registered using web based management. System operator can make several example user presence profiles for AP-PT20 user. AP-PT20 user select one among several candidate user presence files and can modify selected user presence profile for individual personal user presence profile. User presence profiles provided via system operator can be upgraded via web based management, if user information is changed or deleted due to several reasons (for example, resign). Because user information is frequently changed, it is better to use default user presence profile provided by system. User presence information such as user busy(LAMP ON), ringing(LAMP BLINK) is individually displayed on LED of AP-PT20 Key Buttons.

Network based User Presence Terminal

AP-PT20 Presence Terminal delivers a new and powerful IP based extended speed dialing box with user presence function. Design on Ethernet based communication for interconnection between IP terminal and AP-PT20 or between AP-PT20 and Presence Server, AP-PT20 supports flexible network architecture and system extension. Also, it provides the two(2) 10/100Mbps fast Ethernet interface for multiple AP-PT20 inter-connections (cascading). Because some user want to use several hundred speed dialing key for dial access speed-up, AP-PT20 cascading should be supported.

User Presence Terminal Protocol Structure

AP-PT20 can be operated by AddPac Technology’s proprietary protocol called Smart Service Control Protocol (SSCP), which is managed between AddPac’s IP PBX and IP CPE’s. 
In order to provide User Presence features on real-time basis, such as user busy, on-line, user away, etc, the Presence server can be mounted and operated on IP-PBX. The Presence Server can be operated on the same hardware platform and can be operated independently in the platforms separated to each other. 

Firmware Upgrade Enabled 

The high-performance RISC CPU of AP-PT20 are all programmable; thus, the features of AP-PT20 can continue to be improved, changed, or added. If you download an added or changed feature from the home page directly or set an automatic upgrade option whenever feature addition or change is done, you can use the latest feature without further operations.

The performance and reliability of AddPac IP telephony solution have been recognized in global markets as well as domestic market. AP-PT20, which is a collection of experiences and know-how accumulated in the enterprise and service provider markets, would be a solution that meets the needs of customers that ask for next-generation communications.

Network Diagram

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