Friday, February 21, 2025

AP-PNC8000 6channel 4K HDMI Video Encoder, 4K Video Management Solution (6채널 4K 모니터 출력화면 HDMI 저장 표출 솔루션 음성포함 )

Demo Youtube : Next Generation 4K VMS Solution for Drone Video Monitoring

AP-PNC8000 H.265/H.264-based up to 6-channel video encoder is a next-generation 4K Interface HDMI video encoder equipment based on a 4K video capture card and NVDIA high-performance hardware accelerator. High-definition 4K video codec based on H.264 and the latest high-compression/high-definition video codec based on H.265 can be used in AP-PNC8000-4K, and can be used for various purposes such as drone video surveillance, environment/disaster prevention surveillance, etc. that require secure communication. It can be applied to the field of real-time video transmission. In particular, the video input hardware and advanced high-performance video dedicated hardware accelerator installed in AP-PNC8000-4K can minimize video processing delay, making it optimized for real-time video surveillance applications such as broadcasting and military fields. For 4K video input, you can optionally select 4K video encoding or 4K for video input and full HD for video encoding.

AP-PNC8000 6channel 4K HDMI Video Encoding Block Digram

AddPac ISMS(integrated security management system) is a next-generation, Linux or Windows-based 4K video management system solution that can be mounted on high performance commercial server to deliver, to monitor and store network-based live video such as drone images. The main software component for ISMS consists of RTSP video streaming server, RTSP video live viewer server and optionally video storage server.

Smart RTSP Video Liver Viewer software is CCTV video display software for monitoring network-based drones, 4K HDMI multi-channel encoder and IP cameras. It supports low bit rate video codec H.265 as well as existing H.264 video codec. This Video Liver Viewer software supports ability to provide uninterrupted and stable service.

Smart RTSP Video Liver Viewer software supports a dark and black user interface to reduce eye fatigue. And Smart RTSP Video Liver Viewer supports multi-channel video display and it supports display layout adjustment and display ratio adjustment.


Demonstration (4K HDMI Output Video Recording)

1. 6 Channel 4K HDMI Video Encoding, Audio Encoding & Storage, and Display (4K Monitor 2Unit, Each 4K Monitor display 3 channel 4K bitstream)

2. 2 Channel 4K HDMI Video Encoding, Audio Encoding & Storage, and Display (4K Monitor 2Unit, Each 4K Monitor display 1 channel 4K bitstream(full 4K 

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